Fantasy Hardships

This is a blog dedicated to reviewing fantasy novels and the occasional science-fiction work. If it's daring, innovative, or shrewdly bends existing tropes, chances are good I'll love it.

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Ascendancy (The Godswar Saga) (Volume 1) - Jennifer Vale
REVIEW: Ascendancy (The Godswar Saga #1) by Jennifer Vale
This is a typical fantasy novel that doesn't stand out in any way. It's solid enough, but relies too much on standard fantasy tropes (like elves and dragons) to be anything bu...
Ascendancy (The Godswar Saga) (Volume 1) - Jennifer Vale
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Born under Bone (Elements of the Æther Book 3) - Marin Wyden, Richard Sheehan, Sally Evans-Darby, Joe Pee
REVIEW: Born under Bone (Elements of the Æther #3) by Marin Wyden
This review assumes you read the two previous books. First things first. Even though it's the third book of the series, most characters from the first two books won't be rea...
Born under Bone (Elements of the Æther Book 3) - Marin Wyden, Richard Sheehan, Sally Evans-Darby, Joe Pee
REVIEW: Fire and Dust (Elements of the Æther #2) by Marin Wyden
This review assumes you read Shadow of the Candle. An excellent continuation of the first book. The cast is joined by two more point of view characters who each bring anothe...
Fire and Dust (Elements of the Æther Book 2) - Marin Wyden
REVIEW: Shadow of the Candle (Elements of the Æther #1) by Marin Wyden
I read this book last year, but with the recent release of the third book I decided to do a proper review. To get right to it, this book is one of the best fantasy novels I ...
Shadow of the Candle (Elements of the Æther Book 1) - Marin Wyden, Sally Evans-Darby, Richard Sheehan, Joe Pee
text: REVIEW: The Crucible of Empire (Jao Empire #1) by Eric Flint and K.D. Wentworth
Not much to say about this. It's your regular human race hero trip, which is suitable for Eric Flint who writes 'rah rah rah!' stories like they're candy. Yet where in his oth...
The Crucible of Empire - Eric Flint, K.D. Wentworth
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Fire and Dust (Elements of the Æther Book 2) - Marin Wyden
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Shadow of the Candle (Elements of the Æther Book 1) - Marin Wyden, Sally Evans-Darby, Richard Sheehan, Joe Pee
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The Just City - Jo Walton
REVIEW: The Just City by Jo Walton
The story follows various people who take part in an experiment, set up by Greek gods, Athena and Apolla to recreate Plato's Republic. The writing style is solid and there i...
The Just City - Jo Walton
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This is Not a Test - Courtney Summers
REVIEW: This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers
I read this on a whim and can be pretty brief about it. The story is simplistic, events coincidental and disjointed and all dipped in layers of teenage angst. Or in other word...
This is Not a Test - Courtney Summers
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Half the World (Shattered Sea) - Joe Abercrombie
REVIEW: Half the World (Shattered Sea #2) by Joe Abercrombie
I'm having a few busy weeks so I won't update as often this month. In the first book we followed the coming of age of Yarvi. In this book he's no longer the protagonist, ins...
Half the World (Shattered Sea) - Joe Abercrombie